RelyCo Plus, LLC is a grading and excavating company specializing in major and minor earthwork excavation for highways, airports, landfills and site developments. The majority of highway and airport projects are performed under contracts with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.
Ancillary work performed in conjunction with these WisDOT projects include the installation of culverts, storm sewer, retaining walls and aggregates.
Relyco also specializes in the construction of new cells for both private and municipal landfills as well as capping of existing cells. Additionally, Relyco has performed large scale mass excavation for schools and private developments.
RelyCo Plus, LLC has been in business since March of 2005 with the owners of Relyco, Inc and many of our employees coming from our predecessor Reliance Construction, which was a grading and excavation company in Wisconsin since the early 1980's.
Whether it's a multi million dollar Department of Transportation project or a pond in your back yard, RelyCo Plus, LLC is the name to remember.
If you've driven in Wisconsin, odds are that you've driven on a road that Relyco has built.